
Prepare for olympiad
       10th form-https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzTuMTUYSo2adW9DSlBUZDIwRGs

       11th form-https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzTuMTUYSo2aU0hLSVF3TDQwN00

Stage III National Students Olympiad in the English Language

Writing Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students

1       Bert and John Jacobs lived in their van for a year while they launched their clothing business, the Good Life brand. That company now is one of the most successful businesses ever in the US.

Imagine living in a car for a year. Describe what you think it would be like, using examples.
Describe some characteristics of these brothers that set them apart from other entrepreneurs (people who start their own businesses) whose businesses fail.
Do have you any of these attributes? Please explain in detail.

2.     A group of legislators in your oblast has proposed a new law that would require all children under the age of 12 to wear helmets while cycling.
Write an essay for the website of a local bike shop encouraging people to support or oppose the law.

3.     The German poet, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said: “There is nothing insignificant in the world. It all depends on the point of view.”

Explain why it is important to see a situation from another person’s point of view.

Use examples and anecdotes from your own experience to support your viewpoint.


Speaking Comprehension Test for 10thForm Students

DIRECTIONS: In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.

1.     Zoos are places where animals are collected for study and education. The first zoo was created by the Egyptians in 3500 BC! But many people think that keeping animals in zoos is not right, and that it is cruel to keep animals in cages.
a.     What do you think of zoos? Have you ever visited a zoo, petting farm or animal preserve?
b.     What are the positive and negative aspects of zoos?
c.      Do you think that it is cruel to keep animals in zoos? Why or why not?

2.     “A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu
a.     What does this quote mean to you? Do you agree with it?
b.     Describe a memorable journey that you took with your family or friends.
c.      How has technology changed the ways we travel, and what we do as we travel?

3.    “What are you going to do when you grow up?” is a commonly asked question of teenagers.
a.   What is your answer to this question?
b.   What type of preparation and/or training will it involve in order to join this occupation?
c.    What are your responsibilities likely to be in this occupational field?
d.   Why is this an ideal job for you?
e.    How will it affect others?

4.     “I'm not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why.” –William Hazlitt
a.     What does this quote mean to you? What does Hazlitt say is the difference between seeing and understanding?
b.     Do you agree that there is a difference between seeing and understanding? Why or why not?
c.      How observant are you? How has that helped you in life?

5.     Traditionally we say that people have 5 senses; seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, and tasting.
a.     What sense is your favorite? Give some examples of why you like it.
b.     If you had to lose one sense, what would it be?
c.      Describe your favorite smell, or favorite sound. Where does it come from?

6.     “Tragedy is when I cut my finger; comedy is when you fall down the stairs.” Mel Brooks
a.     What does this quote mean to you?
b.     What kinds of things do you find funny?
c.      Do you agree with this quote?

7.     Humans have accomplished some amazing things while we have been on this planet. Things like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and other things have been declared “wonders of the world.”
a.     What are some new wonders of the world? What do you think are the greatest things that humans have accomplished?
b.     What are some of the wonders, or famous buildings or monuments of your country? Have you ever visited them?
c.      Which would you prefer to see, human wonders or natural wonders?

8.     34% of Ukrainians between the ages of 15 and 24 have jobs, and even more of them do some work or are looking for work. Jobs and employment are a huge part of life, and as you get older, it is something you must spend some time thinking about.
a.     What kinds of jobs are the most common in your region?
b.     What kind of job would you like to have, if you could have any job? Why?
c.      Have you ever had a job, or known someone your age who has? Did that person like it?

9.     Musical styles change so quickly, sometimes year by year! And of course the music of today is very different from the music of 20 or 30 or 40 years ago. What do you think of the changes In musical style over time?
a.     What kind of music do your parents listen to? Do you like that music, too?
b.     What do you think of traditional Ukrainian music? How does it compare with current popular music?
c.      How and where do you usually listen to music? Are you alone or with friends? Do you buy songs or listen to music online?

10.                       The relationship between neighbors is different everywhere. In many parts America, people often know their neighbors but aren’t really friends with them. In some places, people go years without ever meeting their neighbors! In a few places, people are good friends with their neighbors. What is the relationship between neighbors like in Ukraine?
a.     What do you think of your neighbors? Are you friends with them?
b.     What kind of a person would make the perfect neighbor? Describe them
c.      Are your neighbors important in your life at all? Why or why not?

11.                       Imagine that an alien has to Earth. Explain basketball to them.
a.     What are the rules of basketball?
b.     What people like basketball? Why do we play it?
c.      Do you like basketball? Describe a personal experience with basketball.

12.                       Fashion changes all the time, from year to year and from decade to decade.
a.     What clothes are fashionable now? What do people usually wear?
b.     Is the current fashion practical? Should clothing be practical?
c.      Do you think it is important to stay fashionable?

13.                       An English proverb says, “The pen is mightier than the sword”
a.     What does this proverb mean to you? Do you agree with it?
b.     Do you believe that an idea or a poem or a book can change the world? Why or why not?
c.      Describe a time that you used words and ideas to solve a problem instead of violence.

14.                       All children are taught to be polite, to say “please” and “thank you”, to ask permission for things, to greet people they know. These things together are referred to as “manners.”
a.     What are some other examples of good manners? What are some examples of bad manners in Ukraine?
b.     Are manners important? What difference to manners make in society?
c.      What do you think when you see someone with very bad manners? Can you give an example?

15.                       Describe your favorite fairy tale/folk tale.
a.     Who are the characters? Where do they live?
b.     What happens in the story?
c.      What is the message of the story?

16.                       Every culture has literature that is important to it, including traditional stories and classic literature.
a.     Describe the most famous traditional or classical literature in Ukraine.
b.     Do you read this literature in school? How did you like it?
c.      What have you learned about your own culture by studying these stories?

17.                       Everyone is good at something. Finding and nurturing that skill is one of the healthiest and most rewarding things that a person can do.
a.     Describe something that you are good at. Did you practice to become good at it?
b.     How can you work to improve this ability? What motivates you to improve it?
c.      How have you used this ability?

18.                       An English proverb says, “No man is an island.”
a.     What does this mean to you?
b.     Do you think that it is important to connect with people?
c.      Describe a time when you felt alone. How did you connect with people?

19.                       In 200,000 years, humans have risen to be one of the most successful animals on the planet. Today there are more than 7 billion humans on earth, and we affect the planet in many ways.
a.     What traits or characteristics have made humans such a successful species?
b.     Describe one way that humans have changed the planet.
c.      Have humans made more positive or negative changes? Explain your reasoning.

20.                       15 % of the population in Ukraine is older than 60. In many cultures, it is considered important to respect your elders and to care for them.
a.     Is it important to respect your elders? How do you and Ukrainian culture show respect for them?
b.     What things can we learn from old people? What role do they play in your life?
c.       What do you know about the life of your grandfather or grandmother? Do you know any stories about them?

Stage III National Students Olympiad in the English Language

Writing Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students

1.     Nelson Mandela, former prisoner and then prime minister of the Union of South Africa, writes: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

What does Mandela mean by “our own light?”
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your position on it using reasoning and logic, in addition to specific examples from your life or that of another person. Convince your reader of your position in your essay.

2.     Margaret Mead, a noted American anthropologist, writes: “Do not think that a small group of awakened individuals cannot change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Explain what this quote means to you.
Correlate its meaning with recent events in Ukraine.
Even at your age, people contribute to the improvement of their countries. What would you commit to doing now to help Ukraine flourish and grow?

3.     David Shenk, an American author, writes: “Talent is a process, not a thing. Failure is not proof of an innate limit but rather is an indication of a skill we haven’t yet developed.”
For what reasons do you agree or disagree with Shenk that “talent is a process?”  Be specific in your answers.
Explain your own definition of “talent,” using details from your own life in your essay.
Describe your own talents

Stage III National Students Olympiad in the English Language
Speaking Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students

DIRECTIONS: In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.
1.     In 200,000 years, humans have risen to be one of the most successful animals on the planet. Today there are more than 7 billion humans on earth, and we affect the planet in many ways.
a.     What traits or characteristics have made humans such a successful species?
b.     Describe one way that humans have changed the planet.
c.      Have humans made more positive or negative changes? Explain your reasoning.

2.     In many cultures, women traditionally do most of the cooking.  In America, women cook 78% of dinners. But it is becoming more and more common for men to cook, for many reasons.
a.     Does your father/brother/you cook?
b.     Is it important for men to know how to cook? Why or why not?
c.      Would it change the family if fathers cooked?

3.     In America, it is considered bad luck to meet a black cat, or to walk under a ladder, good luck to find a penny, and if your ears burn it means someone is talking about you. These are some common superstitions- old beliefs that people still sometimes hold onto.
a.     What are some superstitions in Ukraine? What things are supposed to bring good or bad luck? Are there other superstitions?
b.     Where do you think superstitions come from? Do people still believe in them?
c.      Do you believe in superstitions? Why or why not?

4.     “Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends.” –Virginia Woolf.
a.     What can people get from these three things; religion, poetry, and friendship?
b.     What do you think Virginia Woolf is saying about herself in this quote?
c.      Where do you find comfort and help?

5.     “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” –Khalil Gibran
a.     What do you think the poet is expressing in this quote?
b.     What does this quote mean to you? Do you agree with it?
c.      Describe a time when you met someone whose character was different from their appearance.

6.     Everyone is good at something. Finding and nurturing that skill is one of the healthiest and most rewarding things that a person can do.
a.     Describe something that you are good at. Did you practice to become good at it?
b.     How can you work to improve this ability? What motivates you to improve it?
c.      How have you used this ability?

7.     15 % of the population in Ukraine is older than 60. In many cultures, it is considered important to respect your elders and to care for them.
a.     Is it important to respect your elders? How do you and Ukrainian culture show respect for them?
b.     What things can we learn from old people? What role do they play in your life?
c.      What do you know about the life of your grandfather or grandmother? Do you know any stories about them?

8.     Urbanization is the process of people moving into the city, causing it to grow and expand. Cities all over the world are getting bigger and more crowded.
a.     Do you think it is better to live in the city or in the country. Why?
b.     Is it a good thing for so many people to move into the city? What are some positive or negative effects?
c.      If you could live in any place, in any city or any country, where would you live? Why?

9.     Dreams are part of our sleep cycle, and are important for the brain.
a.     Do you think that dreams have meaning?
b.     Can you describe one dream that you’ve had?
c.      Do dreams have any traditional meaning in your culture? If so, what?

10.                       Scientists have found liquid water on Mars. Astronauts are running a simulation of a trip to Mars. Some world leaders have even said that they want to send people to Mars. In your lifetime it might become possible to visit Mars.
a.     Do you think that exploring space is important? Is it necessary? Why or why not?
b.     If you could live on Mars, would you? Why or why not?
c.      What do you think would be the challenges of living on Mars?

11.                       Humans have accomplished some amazing things while we have been on this planet. Things like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and other things have been declared “wonders of the world.”
a.     What are some new wonders of the world? What do you think are the greatest things that humans have accomplished?
b.     What are some of the wonders, or famous buildings or monuments of your country? Have you ever visited them?
c.      Which would you prefer to see, human wonders or natural wonders?

12.                       Musical styles change so quickly, sometimes year by year! And of course the music of today is very different from the music of 20 or 30 or 40 years ago. What do you think of the changes In musical style over time?
a.     What kind of music do your parents listen to? Do you like that music, too?
b.     What do you think of traditional Ukrainian music? How does it compare with current popular music?
c.      How and where do you usually listen to music? Are you alone or with friends? Do you buy songs or listen to music online?

13.                       An English proverb says, “The early bird gets the worm.”
a.     What does this mean to you?
b.     Describe a time when you benefitted by being the first person to volunteer.
c.      There is another saying that states, “The second mouse gets the cheese.” What does this mean? How is it different from the previous saying?

14.                       Imagine that an alien has to Earth. Explain basketball to them.
a.     What are the rules of basketball?
b.     What people like basketball? Why do we play it?
c.      Do you like basketball? Describe a personal experience with basketball.

15.                       All children are taught to be polite, to say “please” and “thank you”, to ask permission for things, to greet people they know. These things together are referred to as “manners.”
a.     What are some other examples of good manners? What are some examples of bad manners in Ukraine?
b.     Are manners important? What difference to manners make in society?
c.      What do you think when you see someone with very bad manners? Can you give an example?

16.                       Many people enjoy gambling. Some do it just a little, but there are many people who are addicted to gambling, and who lose tremendous amounts of money.
a.     Do you believe that gambling is a problem? Why or why not?
b.     Is there a difference in risk? Is there such a thing as good risk and bad risk? What’s the difference?
c.      Describe one time that you took a risk and how it turned out.

17.                       “TV is chewing gum for the eyes.” Frank Lloyd Wright, famous architect
a.     What do you the speaker means by this?
b.     How much time do you spend watching TV?  Is that too much time or do you wish you could watch it more?
c.      Is TV artistic? Do you think that culturally important things happen on TV? Why?

18.                       The internet has made it easier than ever before to find people with similar interests and hobbies. Many of these people have formed into groups called subcultures, with their own unique culture and philosophy. Some examples include, goth, emo, punk, cosplayers, gamers, hipster, steampunk, etc.
a.     Describe one subculture that you know of. How do they look? Act? What are they interested in?
b.     Is there any subculture that you are interested in knowing more about or joining?
c.      Do you think that subcultures are a good thing or a bad thing? Why?

19.                       What do you think the most important invention of the last 100 years has been?
a.     How has that invention changed people's lives?
b.     How has that invention changed your life?
c.      What would the world be like without that invention?

20.                       Two years ago, the mayor of New York City made it illegal to sell soda larger than a certain size. The people of New York were very angry about this.
a.     Why do you think he made this law? What problem might he have been fighting?
b.     Why do you think the people became so angry over a law about soda?
c.      Do you think that it is right for the government to tell people what they can and can't do with their own bodies?

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